Beaver Morrison

ONFILM  April 2010

Beaver Morrison  1950 – 23rd May 2010.


Beaver Morrison

In the 70’s the film and music business were seen as one in the same in that ‘we were all mad and why didn’t we go get a real job?’ – I met Beaver on a Barry Barclay shoot for Pacific Films – she and Bill Stalker were lovers, he was the lead actor and Beaver became our camp mother… it was fantastic times – we were on the road and moving everyday to a new location – heady times indeed – we laughed a lot, played a lot and worked hard. We knew what we were doing wasn’t a part-time thing it was what we were going to be doing for the rest of our lives.

A gentle soul and vulnerable yet still able to get out on stage and sing with a voice of an angel – that bold confident voice hid the crippling anxiety that she suffered though out her life. We worked together again on the feature film ‘Should I be good, Should I be Evil’ and then later a music gig ‘The Biggest Love’ for a multi-national pharmaceutical company (it can still be found on youtube).

In this business of professional entertainment we never stay in touch – it seems there’s always somewhere else to be and something new to pursue – but somehow with Beaver we always knew what each other was up to – I think it was a hang over from the ‘70’s bonding that occurred when we all ran away to join that circus – I watched her kids grow up in Auckland. There were always the reports of what ‘Mum’ was up to and where she was at. Dearest Beaver – rest in peace.

Waka Attewell.